Microblading FAQs
We have compiled a list of the most common questions our clients usually have before, during and after the microblading procedure. If you have a question about the procedure you will most likely find an answer to your question in this article. If you have a question that has not been covered in this article please contact us.
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Microblading Process
The Microblading procedure usually lasts around 90 minutes. Before the process even begins, we’ll work one-on-one with the client to ensure that we match the right eyebrow shape that best suites their needs and expectations. Also, the actual color of the brow will be selected in order to properly match the skin tone and desired finished look the client is looking for. Before we begin the procedure, we sit down and work with you to shape your brows with a pencil, allowing us to agree on the best color and shape to fit your face. Microblading does not require your entire eyebrow to be shaved and does not damage your natural hair.
Once everything is ready to go, a topical anesthetic will be applied to the area to minimize any discomfort. Once the procedure is complete, minor redness and swelling is expected to occur. This will calm down in a day or so, depending on the client. Healing takes about seven days and the skin will heal over the tattoo pigment during this time. Initially the color of the new brow will look very dark, but this will soften as it heals over. The most important thing is to keep this area clean and dry as it heals. This means no picking at the brow area and also being sure to apply proper aftercare ointment to ensure proper healing.
A complementary follow up will be scheduled 4-6 weeks following the procedure. During this visit, minor touch-ups may be needed to perfect the shape of the new brows. Pigment retention depends on skin type, age, aftercare, sun exposure, use of certain skin products, pigments used, immune system, medications and other factors. Touch ups are recommended once a year to prevent natural fading.
Before Care
- Do not work out the day of the procedure.
- Do not tan or have sunburned face.
- Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or IBUprofen 24 hours before procedure.
- No alcohol or caffeine on the day of the procedure.
- No waxing or tinting 3 days before.
After Care
Immediately following treatment apply ice to the treated areas for 10-30 minutes. Ice helps to reduce the swelling and aids in the healing process. Apply Vaseline sparingly twice daily to treated areas for 7 days. Do not rub or pick at the epithelial crust, allow it to flake off on its own. Picking can cause scarring. There should be absolutely no scrubbing, cleansing creams, or chemicals. Gently rinse the treated are with a mild anti-bacterial soap. Rinse with water and lightly pat the area dry. Do not expose treated areas to the full water pressure of a shower, until the area has healed. Do not soak treated area in a bath, swimming pool or hot tub. Do not swim in fresh, salt, or chlorinated pool water for at least 2-4 weeks following your procedure. Limit sun exposure for 14 days following the procedure. Use sterile bandages and dressings when necessary. You will not be allowed to donate blood for 1 calendar year following your procedure, per the guidelines of the American Red Cross.
NOTE: No water, cleansers, creams, makeup or any other products on treated area for 10 days. Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 3-4 weeks after procedure. Avoid heavy sweating for the first 10 days. No facials, botox, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion for 4 weeks. Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days.
Permanent makeup is NOT recommended for any clients who are or have:
- Pregnant or nursing
- Diabetic
- Undergoing Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
- Viral infections and/or diseases
- Epilepsy
- A Pacemaker or major heart problems
- Had an Organ transplant
- Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
- Sick (cold, flu, etc.)
- Had Botox in the past 2 months
- Used Accutane in the past year
Microblading FAQs
What is microblading?
Microblading eyebrows is the process of manually implanting color pigment beneath the surface of the skin by means of tiny, sterile, disposable needles to produce the appearance of natural, real life looking hair strokes.
How long does microblading last?
The healed results of microblading last between one and two years. The variation in time is determined by lifestyle, sun exposure and skin type. Someone with an oilier skin type tends to experience results that fade quicker compared to someone with a drier skin type. Touch ups will be needed if you wish to continue the look.
Does it hurt?
Everyone has a different level of sensitivity. An anesthetic is applied for numbing during the procedure to alleviate discomfort. Every effort is made to ensure you remain comfortable for the duration of the procedure. Clients are usually pleased to discover that it is no more painful than having your eyebrows tweezed or threaded.
How long does a microblading procedure take?
For the first microblading session, the entire procedure should takes about 1.5-2 hours. During this session, our specialist will shape and style the client’s brows for client approval. We then follow with pigment color selection. Once the client is satisfied with the choices, we begin the procedure.
Is the touch up session necessary
Yes! A touch up session after 6-8 weeks is necessary as everyone heals differently and outcome will vary. Certain areas may not pick up during first session and will need to be refilled. Pigment color may need to be adjusted, brow thickness and more strokes can be added. Individuals with oily skin often require a deeper shade during the touch up session as the oils tend to lighten the pigment. Most importantly, your touch up session is when we refine your brows to ensure they look perfect and retain the color for as long as possible!
What is the microblading healing process?
Yes! A touch up session after 6-8 weeks is necessary as everyone heals differently and outcome will vary. Certain areas may not pick up during first session and will need to be refilled. Pigment color may need to be adjusted, brow thickness and more strokes can be added. Individuals with oily skin often require a deeper shade during the touch up session as the oils tend to lighten the pigment. Most importantly, your touch up session is when we refine your brows to ensure they look perfect and retain the color for as long as possible!
Do I need to take a day off work?
No. There’s no downtime associated with the microblading treatment. Redness and swelling will dissipate within couple of hours. Your brows will appear darker initially, but not so dark that you will be prevented from your activities of daily living.
What should I do after the procedure?
The aftercare is not complicated, but it does require some diligence to provide the best possible microblading results. Microblading aftercare includes frequently applying a specialized cream in the early stages of healing and making sure absolutely nothing else comes in contact with the eyebrow area. Activities involving sun exposure, water, and even exercise to prevent perspiration, need to be avoided. It is imperative to follow the aftercare instructions to get the best possible healed results. DO NOT rub or pick the healing area as the color will peel off prematurely. Avoid extreme heat, sweating, and contaminated bodies of water (such as saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms, pools). Avoid using heavily fragranced soaps. No makeup should be applied directly on the brows during the healing process.
Can I get tattooed if I am pregnant or nursing?
No, this service is not for those who are pregnant and/or breastfeeding.
What should I do to prepare for my procedure?
No waxing, tanning or tinting 3 days before. Do not drink alcohol or caffeine 24 hours prior to you appointment. Do not take Advil or other blood thinners such as Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Niacin or Vitamin E unless medically necessary 24 hours prior to you appointment. Botox should be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after the procedure. Do not work out the day of the procedure. Do not tan or have sunburned face.
Who is not suited for microblading procedure?
You are NOT a suitable candidate for this procedure if you are: pregnant or nursing, diabetic, if you have glaucoma, skin diseases such as Shingles, psoriasis or eczema on the area of treatment, allergies to makeup and ink, Keloid disorder, HIV/Hepatitis, skin cancer, hemophilia, or if you’re taking skin medications like ro-accutaine and steroids. Ongoing chemotherapy, epilepsy, pacemaker or major heart problems , organ transplant. Any treatment, medication, or illness that compromises the immune system and healing would make you NOT a good candidate for this procedure. Contact us if you have any questions.
How much does it cost?
Our microblading service costs $495 which includes initial and one touch up session.
Do I need an appointment?
Yes! Microblading procedure is by appointment only.
Note: Microblading Appointment Forms – please print and fill out the forms prior to your appointment.